Monday, February 9, 2009

Talk on sensations on touch, palpation and needling and the Heart’s involvement.

Touch and needling.
Initially I would like to say that these are two of the same.
This sounds controversial to the reader as one uses the hand or better the fingertips, the other a metal instrument manufactured from different kind of material (steel or plated with gold and silvers).
Initially Acupuncture came from touch rather than introducing needles.
It was bit like you would use the tips of your fingers mostly and only needle certain points. Nowadays it is more likely that you needle more rather than just touch, though a lot of the initial diagnosis of flow is done via the tips of finger.
This is where an important point comes in that may have been overlooked: the heart!
Yes, it is the heart that serves as the portal. Some may think it is the brain or the mind, but it is the heart - our own heart that we connect when making the intention to use healing.
This is also the reason why simply "touching" can help heal the other. We may not do it consciously, but touch is part of being human and it heals. The hands are like antenna of the heart. In particular despite the fact that there are meridians running through the fingers that connect the body parts and their various element (5 element theory) there are also red energy channel that are instantly connected from the heart down to all the fingers. They meet at the heart point or chakra point and go is actually not the chakra or the heart itself, there is a shortcut. There is a jump from the energy fingertips-heart-crown and beyond (need to explain this one later).
The energy is red and driven by the blood, but it is more of a carrier of energy. The energy lines are overlays or invisibles. They penetrate more than one body, the physical and All the others. (we know that energy bodies are not like onion peel, but one interpenetrates all of the above, they are connected) particular at soul level.
According to the guides the body of the practitioner adapts to a higher form of being when working with energy and self development, it is as if their body changes. And similar to the qi forming energy lines within the being (eg in martial arts) to perform something, in healing also this forms. I am being told that there is a kind of healing matrix that enters the body of someone that works with healing energy. It become like an extra skin - they actually call it Matrix. At this moment I see it in the colour red, but according to them this varies by person to person as they would like to remind me that EACH individual TRUELY is UNIQUE....their blueprint does not exist in the same way in the entire Galaxy. (yes they mean galaxy). They say that this "body of energy lines" is also connected to a higher level of consciousness not resident on earth. Eg there ARE guides from another dimension that work this way and guide, but most importantly are able to complement the energy and thus support the healing process.

The important thing to note here is the involvement of the heart and its spirit-soul and the link to other dimension that have decided to offer their energy to help heal. This is particularly important for old wounds. Old wounds for them is to do with karmic roots of diseases and also family, country, and earth memories (eg the energy of recent wars that have introduced a lot of so called modern diseases).

The heart is also the monitor. What they mean is that many may think it is the brain that helps analyse another state (eg the pulse of their meridians or organs), it is actually their own heart energy that transmit the information. So, it is almost like setting a base pulse and comparing it against it. The practitioner will not notice this as his own heart pulse is "normal and familiar" to him. But it is used as a zero point to compare anothers´ pulse.

So, how do the finger tips function in this process?
Very easy they are the outside representation of the hearts energy. And while they touch a certain amount of energy is transmitted (although the good practitioner will be aware of this and not accidentally modify the pulse of another, but it is an automatic effect from one human touching the other - equilibrium: the attempt for one body wanting to reach its perfect original states).

The other important connection is not just to above, but also to the earth, as these energy lines of a healing practitioner run into the earth and earth energy is the other equivalent that helps in helping another body back to its state of perfection (balance). And not to forget: is the breath. As we breathe with our whole body, with every cell, the breath forms the transductor of the energy between human, their heart and the heaven and earth realm (Tao).

so, the energy map, that helps a healer to be part of a healing energy is like an internal coat or skin that is transparent, but has especial energy lines that are formed in it. It is like an overlay that aids the other function of the body to heal (eg the intend, the practical act of laying on of hands).

So, where do needles come in?
We are jumping here, as there is a lot more to say, but to get the initial differentiation across. A needle is a conductor. It serves to combine the heaven and earth energy (through it being a straight line with two points) and direct it and equilibrate them. (some words are foreign to me some words are known words but they write them differently and some words are their words, they are new to me).

Ok, the needle means a purer concentration, not in terms of the pureness of energy, no in the pureness and focus and decisiveness of where the energy is meant to be directed. It brings several earth streams together, the way it looks as if the top of the needle has an energetic umbrella going upwards DRAWING energy in, this is then directed through thought (or intention if you want ) by the mind and the heart energy that comes via the finger tips of the practitioner combines with this metal object (needle) and insert it, while then the tip of the needle make the connection with the patients own energy thus forming the other part of the tao and combines also with the energy rising from the feet of the practitioner that is standing on the ground touching earth. So, indeed the simple act of touch or needling is actually the summonising of global-universal energy that are compounded via practise and intent (the heart is in a
The heart is in a way the monitor and acts in several ways.
It is the portal and the port. Eg it receives and distributes energy. This happens within and without the body.
But the heart is kind of like an atom in space with rays reaching out and thus the portal function of the heart serves as an energy transfer forum forming part of the healing act - thus miracles (so called instant cures) can happen: it is not just one being that is involved but an entire body of knowledge, wisdom and knowing that the heart carries. It has this via the DNA, but its energetic DNA vibration that is up to now not discussed with the masses of people.

So back to the heart, it also apart from its DNA has an energy function as a portal. This portal travels inside and out. To explain this one needs to familiar with three things: the hologram function, the "as above so below" connection and the outward reaching energy function.

The hologram function is that even though they may only be a tiny physical occurrence eg like a crystal memory in the heart chamber it can connect with the body of information that this bloodline or family has ever known- so this means a residue of knowledge wisdom that is physically in the heart can give access to the a vast library of knowledge - this would be a wisdom function: meaning that anything this soul ever experienced and every knowledge this body (via its genetic factor) has ever learnt and experienced is in it.

The above and below function is similar to the hologram, but works on the principal that ANYTHING that happens in outer realms (eg the universe) has a portal and communicates with the heart. So, it is as if the heart is a radio transmitter though we are no longer (some are) aware of it the heart is receiving messages and knowledge from other dimension, mainly the stars that we originate from (there is a big body of work from this via the native american, particular the Lakota and their connection of medicine wheels to interstellar travel and communication)

The outward reaching function is more understood in todays world, as it concerns things that are send and received, either directly via the heart or its adjacent heart chakrum. Here is then also the connection to the solar plexus (the sensing chakrum) and the communication chakrum as well as the one in between the Thymus that are important. However, most everyday people will not be able to describe it in this terms, but perceive it as an emotional or sensing response to either known (the full moon) or unknown forces (eg changes on a cosmic level).

Ok, why is the heart so important in an acupuncture session. They say it is where all is generated from and all goes to - finally. It is the consciousness of all functions.

1 comment:

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