Monday, January 19, 2009

The meaning and use of the 5 elements.

When we talk about the elemental structures, we are talking of the nature and state of being of particles (this is not an ideal term).These are states of being, like you may describe a buddhic state or a conscious state of being. We assume and it has been proven that parts (particles) have a consciousness and thus PREFER a state of being. This state of being happens in relationship to.....e.g. like in the Tao, day is day in relationship to night and vice versa. Therefore if we are talking about the elemental states of being we are describing them in relationship to the other states....e.g. morning, mid day, afternoon, evening and late night. These are relatively loose names and description for a certain quality of time and amount of light and density of energy. you could then apply this state of say the points as having a tendency towards being wood or fire, metal or water and earth, whilst all are transitioning through earth, so all are transitioning through light. So, they are states in which the chemistry of a point changes, e.g. vapor, mist, condensation, water, ice.....why do we have them? The five elements relate to earth. I mean they are the main archetypes of being on earth, as such one needs to read them in relation to a souls manifestation and integration on the earth plane. Are there other planes, then? yes, of course, but in the body of acupuncture we look at the state of being of the physical body in relationship to its preferred state of being as a soul, e.g. someone born in the year or dragon at the time of wood reacts differently then someone born in the year of monkey at the time of fire.....but these are tendencies not solid states. Then if we go to the concept of the meridians, and these a good practitioner can see in their mind eye or even see in front of himself with time, a wood point such as a ting point has this characteristic in relationship to the other ting points on a horse’s body. The states vary, e.g. with the other terms and in sense there are more than 8 states of being, but like you have 9natural numbers in the cosmos and all numbers are made up of combination of them, so the 5, elements and their states of being, which can be broken down to negative and positive states in relation to can describe a point, an organ and its meridian (organ is how the different parts are organized too, e.g. their element combinations) swell as the tendency of a point in regards to other points. So, we have maps of points that favor a state of being, also their are cross points where these states meet, and their are layered points, meaning there is more than one state present. So to talk of one of the element it means that this state is more present than another. E.g. 40 percent wood, 10 of each of the others, so it is a wood point. The description came from the experiences of the different schools that concerned themselves with the study of this, and are in some ways depending on their description of the nature of an element. E.g. what I am saying is that though the description was maybe sounding the same, the nature of the actual point maybe different to whether the person lives in the north or south and in relationship to their climatic being. Therefore this so called theory is not a theory as such it is an integral part of the describing of a state of an acu point on human or animal body. It is like referring to a landscape. If you live in the arctic you may not have terms that describe the green of plants in many words, but you would have many words that would describe the nature of ice and its characteristics, so the elements and their different states was an attempt to create a language that was descriptive to label certain stages of being. So, I would like you to think of it like a new language used in the practice of acupuncture to help the doctor understand the states of being of its patient, whereas it is always seen as in relationship to the states of the other parts of the body involved. It does not mean if a point has fire that this is bad, it may only be bad when it has only fire and the next one only water, and the imbalance that stems from that. Understood? So, they are labels, like when you go walking and you have different ways of getting home, they point in directions, they are INDICATORS. It is very difficult in a way to teach acupuncture through the English language as the old writings of the different languages where more related to iconic states of being, e.g. energetic ways, symbolic labels. For now this is enough. But one more thing to say actually, the nature of the astrology of a souls integration into its solid body state, greeted to as its birthdates in western is of high importance, I mean that the planets and natures present on the day do influence on HOW the souls communicates with its earthly body, Here is where the heart center is of importance, One can always access the state of a patient and their tendency by their heart sign function, e.g. this means that actually their heart meridians and the organs related to the cross point, e.g. heart protector or the gates to different states, etc give bigger description than just their birth date which give an overall tendency, but do not necessarily describe the elemental state of an organ such as the organic combinations of the heart. In a way it has gone out of fashion to favor certain organs and its organ combination, but I stress that the heart organs and the sweetness often soul matter a lot. How to measure the state of the soul for adductor - the name doctor is wrong - we are not doctors - we are kind of technicians, like massage therapist, we are hands on practitioners, there is a word for this in the ancient languages - it is that we are monks, in the sense monks that serve the realm of acupuncture which means point of soul - which actually means the state of being of the soul compared to its original state of being, so this is in a way astute of a star in the body of the universe in relationship to its denser, visible place of a body functioning in the earth realm, it is like translating something fairly faraway and abstract, as the soul is inside the body, not above, but the portal to reach it is via the heart points or heart pointers, these are vectors or lines of energy, but actually each person has their own cosmic inner life that is aversion or connects to that of what we see above, it is the inside outer outside the soul that has done this process, the light that it took to earth to form into a being in the body of human.....this is what acu puncture describes, it is essentially practice to help souls be on earth and we help the body to attain its equilibrium as it has gone through many transformation and many deaths and here comes in Alans point about the good death.....this is including the map of the body, so we actually practice acu puncture or if you want a kind of soul massage to help the body reach the optimum state for life and such for death, so the long term therapy to help a body's meridians means that these meridians are like energy lines that are like a vessel, though a loose one that keep the body, like you would hold a bird in your hand, not crushing it and when the bird is rescued and has recovered it can fly, so it means that the meridians are put back to a find their flow after e.g. an accident or alike so they can then be like a spiral energy e.g. with their energy connections to the above and below, which is the Tao, so the Tao, relates not to a theory but to the state of a souls being with their feet on the ground and these energy lines reaching into earth as well as their energy lines up to the heavenly states and also the energy lines that hold the body up and in the here and now that you relate to as the GI forces, we see it like a pattern of energetic lines that keep a body in relationship to its other bodies, including that of saying sitting on a chair, all these lines, are like a visible (I can see it now) network....that is multidimensional, so a spider web is not the good description it is more like the butterfly cocoon, but finer as these lines are made up of a mixture of light, matter and consciousness and yes, there is the one most important element, LOVE. This love gives the energy body is existence in the earth realm, though Al, to put this straight, this love also exists in a body that has transited to the other states of reality, even though I need to say that it is the love of its adjacent souls (partners, friend, family) that keep it in the near earth realms such helping it to be guides and helpers, but love is actually part of consciousness. It is the real essence of consciousness when we talk about consciousness we mean LOVE. Love is a vibrational state, you can feel it when you listen to some music, this music was composed and made to revere love in its highest form. Thus really what we do with acu puncture is connect a being back to its love state so it can flow and be and be conscious and has connection to its soul, as only love can have the connection to its soul....this is why many are soul less, they have lost love in their actually acu puncture is a conscious sacred attempt to combine again the strings of the body's energy matrix to vibrate and sound actually it is a word THE Body’s SOUNDING that is what we attempt to do....when it has slot back or put back to its shell like energy vibration then it can be in a state of healing, thus in a state of love, constant love, this is grace and blessing, this is light and sound, this is connection and beingness, this is consciousness love, this is the Tao. deep breath, this is how a body breathes and is alive, this is beingness and integration, this is the pure manifestation of a soul walking on earth, being connected to its origin at all times, this is why we are here, acu puncture is really a teaching of a state to the body, it helps the soul and body remember who they are and is the practical application of what praying is to the soul so, you can pray for someone, but better to help connect them so they can pray themselves or better do not need to pray as they breath and are IT.

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